Members in Action
Zombie Walk 2018
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The 2018 Knowsmoke Zombie Walk was a success again this year thanks to the Tobacco Free Michigan Mini grant funds. Without the support and encouragement of the board, our annual event could not happen.
On Saturday, October 6, 2018, over 113 community members brought their brains and joined the Knowsmoke Coalition in celebrating the 5th Annual Knowsmoke Zombie Walk where we encouraged our youth to be the smoke + VAPE free generation and NOT the Zombies of nicotine.
This year we included e-cig/vaping into our messaging because or youth smoking rates have declined by 60% since 2010, but the use of e-cigs has increased in Muskegon County with 1 in 4 youth vaping.
Knowsmoke is working tirelessly to help prevent the use of vaping and stop the rise of e-cig use among youth. As we encouraged more youth involvement in the planning and implementing, we saw new excitement toward our efforts. We decided to meet our youth where they are at, and choose to advertise the Zombie Walk thru social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
We also included local youth groups such as our Youth Advisory Committees, school broadcasting teams, school theater/drama groups, and our college groups such as MACTC program (law enforcement) and Nursing programs.